Thursday, August 27, 2009

Washington County Real Estate Stats for July 09'

Washington County Real Estate Stats for July 09'

Single-Family Residential

  • 53% of homes were 3 bedrooms with an avg price of $255,575
  • 42% closed in 30 days or less
  • 20% closed in 121 days or more
  • 48% used conventional financing
  • 34% used FHA financing
closings up 20% from last month (575 vs 479)
total dollar volume up $18.5M from last month


  • 20% sold were in the $140k to $160k range .... avg price being $158,065
  • 35% closed in 121 days or more
  • 21% closed in 30 days or less
  • 46% used FHA financing
  • 27% used conventional financing
  • 17% used cash
closings up 26.8% from last month (52 vs 41)
total dollar volume up 1.7M from last month