Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Portland Metro Real Estate Stats, July 09'

Single Family Residential
  • 53% of homes were 3 bedrooms - average price $259,753
  • 39% closed in 30 days or less
  • 22% closed in 121 days or more
  • 48% buyers used conventional financing
  • 32% buyers used FHA financing
  • closings up 11.4% from last month (1782 vs 1599)
  • total dollar volume up $147M from May 2009
  • 19% sold were in the $200k to $250k range with average price of $234,273
  • 22% closed in 30 days or less
  • 35% closed in 121 days or more
  • 48% buyers used conventional financing
  • 25% buyers used cash
  • closings up 17.5% from last month (208 vs 177)
  • total dollar volume up $9.39M from May 2009
Call or Email Ted with questions or help with any of your Real Estate needs!
(503) 936-4468
follow on Twitter at NWsold