Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Survey Results of 2009 Homebuyers & Sellers

  • 47% of recent home buyers were first-time buyers
  • Typical first-time home buyer was 30 years old while typical repeat buyer 48
  • Typical home purchased was 1800 SF and built in 1991
  • 78% home buyers purchased a detached single-family home
  • Typical home buyer searched for 12 weeks and viewed 12 homes
  • 77% of buyers used a Real Estate Agent
  • 10% buyers purchased a home in foreclosure, up from 3% in 2008
  • 92% buyers financed their recent home purchase
  • 85% sellers used a Real Estate Agent to sell their home
  • Recent sellers typically sold their homes for 95% of the listing price
  • 60% sellers reported reducing their asking price at least once